As the Governement moves to stage 4 of its roadmap to recovery, and with a reduction in restrictions, we have now published updates on how we will maintain safety at the Sport for All Centres. The key differences are:
- the removal of the requirement to screen customers on entry to the buildling (no temperature checks or screening forms)
- no limitations on numbers attending (although we will be monitoring ventilation levels and may make changes if needed)
- return to normal rules for netball
However many procedures will remain, which include:
- Do not attend with COVID symptoms (fever, new continuous cough, loss or change in taste, loss of change in smell, runny nose, headache)
- Santising hands regulalry
- Disinfecting surfaces, balls & equipment regulalry
- Avoid congregating in foyers and corridors, and follow the one way systems in place
- Mask wearing is encouraged for spectators / scorers unless exempt
- Come ready changed to play
- Vistors are encouraged to scan in on the NHS QR Code poster – this is to identify multiple cases in the venue and is not used to self-isolate people
- Ensure your team entry and booking forms are fully up to date and all match score sheets include full names of all attending
Full details of our COVID-19 guidelines are available via: