Oldham Holiday Camps

Camp Booking form - Summer 2022

As of July '22
Tick all that apply
I understand that the organisers of this camp are under no liability whatsoever in respect of any personal loss or injury that the applicant may sustain. In case of an emergency, I authorise Sport for All Centres to act on my behalf and if necessary call an ambulance. Parents and emergency contacts will be notified immediately. Sport for All Centres reserve the right to cancel any camp, if the numbers enrolled have not reached the minimum requirement. In such a case, a complete refund will be given. Participation in all Sport for All Camps is at the sole risk of the participant. Those attending should bring a pack lunch each day. Camps are designed to be fun for all in attendance. If players are distruptive on the camp, parents will be contacted to collect them.

Daily cost of camps = £15 per day

Bank details
Sort code: 60-13-19
Account number: 45077134
Account name: B. H. Sports Management Limited
Reference: ‘CAMP’ then put name of camper

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 13

Oldham summer camps

Venue details:
Oldham Sport for All Centre
Roman Road

Tel: 0161 682 7278
Email: oldham@sportforallcentres.co.uk